1.Tomatoes definitely do not belong to your fridge because they will lose their flavor. The reason for this is the cold air in the refrigerator that stops their ripening process and therefore their flavor is endangered. Also, cold air has an impact in the texture of tomatoes because it breaks down the membranes inside the tomatoes and turns them mealy. The best way to keep your tomatoes is in a basket or a glass bowl on the kitchen counter.
2. The biggest problem with keeping basil in the fridge is that he will absorb all the smells of the food that surrounds it. Instead, try keeping it outside the fridge, in a cup of fresh water. If you really need to keep the basil for a longer period of time, try some of the freezing tips for basil on the internet.
3. There is a big misunderstanding with keeping potatoes in a cool and not cold place. Cold temperatures turn the starch of potato into sugar more quickly than you think. Try putting potatoes in a paper bag in a cool and dark place in your home instead. It is better to put potatoes in paper and not plastic bags because potatoes can receive more air in paper bags, which will slow the deterioration process.
4. Garlic has the same problem with fridge that potatoes have. You should keep it in a cool and dark place instead of the fridge. In cold temperatures, garlic will start to sprout and it may become moldy too.
5. The moisture in onions makes them soft and eventually moldy of you put them in the fridge. Instead, keep them in a dry, cool and dark place. However, keep potatoes and onions separate when placing them in that dark and cool place at your home. The reason for this is because when stored together- onions and potatoes deteriorate faster
6. There’s a catch with keeping avocados in the fridge. If you bought them ripe and you don’t need to use them right away, they can go to fridge. However, if you want your avocados to ripen, don’t put them in the refrigerator. The cold air will stop the ripening
7. Most of people agree on this one- do not put your olive oil in the fridge. In low temperatures the olive oil condenses and turns into a harder consistency, similar to butter. Instead, keep your favorite olive oil in a cool and dark place.
8. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with keeping your food fresh is to put bread in the fridge. You should keep bread out on the counter because the fridge will dry out your bread very quickly. Generally, the bread that you will eat in the next four days should be sliced and ready to be eaten and the rest should be frozen. Be sure to wrap the bread in the freezer so it keeps its moisture. Also, when removing it from the freezer, let it thaw slowly and completely before you toast it or eat it.
9. Coffee will lose its flavor when put in the refrigerator. Just like basil, it may take on some smells of other food in the fridge. Instead, you should store coffee in a dark and cool place so it retains its freshness and full flavor. However, you can store larger quantities of coffee in the freezer!
10. You should not keep honey in the fridge because- there is no need to if you keep it tightly sealed. This way it will be good forever. On the other hand, if you keep honey in refrigerator it may crystalize.
11. Lemons, oranges and limes should be stored at room temperatures and on your kitchen counter. Cold air can damage the quality of these fruits. Be sure not to keep them too closely outside the fridge, though. Keeping them to tight together can make them mold more quickly.
12. Pickles are high in preservatives, mainly vinegar. This makes them crisp even when you leave them in the pantry. However, if you demand your pickles cold, you should store them in the refrigerator door, because you leave the coldest places if the fridge for some items that need them more than pickles do.
13. There is actually no need to place those nice herbs you bought at the market in the fridge. Instead of killing its flavor in cold temperatures, place them in a water-filled glass jar and keep them on the kitchen counter. This way your kitchen will look nicer and your herbs will appreciate it too.
14. Most salad dressings, just like other condiments, can be stored outside the refrigerator, especially ones that are vinegar or oil based. Have in mind that salad dressings that are cream, mayo or yogurt based should be kept in the fridge.
15. Don’t be surprised! Even when opened, ketchup can be kept in the pantry. Because it contains large amounts of vinegar and preservatives, it will not go off outside the fridge. And if you don’t believe us, just think of the ketchup packets at fast food restaurants